Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

This entry was posted in Oakville Elementary News, Rotherglen News.
Our students participated in Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week activities. Ensuring that our students are learning in a safe, caring and respectful community is of paramount importance. A variety of grade-specific activities were available during recess periods, designed to help reinforce a clear and positive message that bullying is not acceptable. According to Public Safety Canada 2018, “Studies have found that those who feel more connected to their school and who perceive the climate to be trusting, fair and pleasant were less likely to be perpetrators in bullying and cyberbullying incidents.”
The students in Grades 4-8 attended special assemblies conducted by YouthSpeak. This team of trained youth delivered a very powerful message about how bullying impacts everyone in the community. They each shared their story, a thought or message and a useful tool that has helped them along their journey. These assemblies were very powerful and sparked much discussion amongst our older students.

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