Character Education – Teamwork

This entry was posted in Oakville Elementary News, Rotherglen News.
For the month of September, our character trait focus has been self-control. Throughout our lives, we must all exercise self-control and discipline in order to resist temptation, follow directions and stay safe. Through self-control and self-discipline, children discover that they are in charge of what they do and what they say.
Students have received positive reminders that it takes self-control/self-discipline to participate in many daily activities. Some of these examples include, raising your hand and waiting your turn to speak, staying focused on your work, keeping your hands to yourself, using your words to express yourself respectfully, walking quietly in the hallway, and remembering and abiding by school and classroom rules. We will continue to touch upon self-control and self-discipline throughout the school year and support our students in developing this important skill.
For the month of October, our focus will turn to the important trait of teamwork. Teamwork or cooperation is the common effort of a group for their mutual benefit. It is working together peacefully to complete a goal.  In order for children to learn how to become team players, it is important that they listen, encourage their peers and allow and invite others to contribute their talents and skills. It is crucial that children understand that to be cooperative, they must treat others equitably, recognize the needs of the group and communicate calmly.

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