Coding at Rotherglen
Last week students and teachers in Grades 3 to 6 took part in a Coding workshop hosted by Google Canada. Rotherglen students had the wonderful opportunity to virtually meet Computer Software Engineers from Google, and hear how each of them developed an interest in computer science. The Googlers, or “Tooglers”, as they are called when teaching, proceeded to introduce the students to coding basics using Scratch for CS First. Students were able to comment and ask questions through the use of a Google Form, as the “Tooglers” guided them through a step-by-step process creating animation.
Rotherglen teachers participated in further learning through an educator’s tutorial, the evening after the first workshop. On the second day, all classes were provided with a CS First unit called Music and Sound, which is aligned with the new Ontario math curriculum. This unit will be explored further by classes in the second and third terms.