
Situated on a naturally wooded six-acre property at the corner of Upper Middle Road and Neyagawa Boulevard, Rotherglen School provides a peaceful setting in the heart of North Oakville. Rotherglen’s Oakville Elementary Campus backs on to the picturesque Sixteen Mile Creek and Oakville’s Heritage Trail System.

The Elementary Campus provides programming for students in Casa (JK & SK) to Grade 8. Being primarily an elementary school, positions in our Casa program are reserved for students who have siblings enrolled in Grades 1 – 8. Students who wish to enroll in our Casa program can request information on our Primary Campus, conveniently located two blocks away.

Our Elementary Campus provides Montessori instruction in Grades 1-3, and transitions in Grades 4 -8 to an enriched and progressive curriculum that prepares students for their post-elementary education. Through the integration of academics, arts and athletics, we are able to meet each child at their place of learning.

The warm and inviting atmosphere offers students in Casa to 8 state-of-the art facilities and programs including:

  • Full-size gymnasium
  • Music room
  • Art room
  • Computer lab
  • Science lab
  • Maximum class size – 18 students
  • 10:1 student to teacher ratio
  • Library with full-time librarian
  • Varsity and intramural sports teams
  • Extracurricular clubs including a variety of athletics and a school musical
  • French and music at all grade levels taught by specialists
  • Before and after school care (7:30-6:00)
  • SmartBoard technology