“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education” Martin Luther King
Character education is a deliberate effort to cultivate positive personal attributes and civility among our students. It is a whole-school effort to create a community in which positive attitudes, values and behaviours are fostered. At Rotherglen, these qualities are promoted explicitly, modeled, taught, expected, celebrated, and continuously practiced in every day actions. In short, character education is the promotion of universally desirable qualities such as respect, responsibility, honesty, empathy and integrity. Rotherglen has incorporated a strong Character Education program across all campuses and grade levels. All students examine a particular character trait each month and take part in activities, both in and out of the classroom, which focus on the development of specific character traits. Activities are also shared with our parent community to promote involvement and a strong, cohesive school community.
Rotherglen emphasizes high standards and academic excellence. Equally important is the knowledge and understanding of how to build and sustain effective personal relationships, and how to participate responsibly and effectively in society. By incorporating character education into our curriculum in an intentional and systematic manner, our goal is to foster the democratic ideals of citizenship, justice and thoughtful decision-making. The implementation of our comprehensive Character Education and Leadership programs, along with our ongoing focus on Developmental Assets ultimately support the growth, resiliency, success and wellness for our student body.