Grade 5 Students Study the States of Matter
The students in Grade 5 continued their investigation of the three states of matter. After discussing and classifying the various physical properties that distinguish each state, students were exposed to non-Newtonian fluids. These fluids behave in a way you wouldn’t expect and do not have a constant flow rate or viscosity, so they react differently based on the pressure being applied to them. In order to see these unique fluids in action, our students had some hands on fun creating “Oobleck”. They practised recording elements of the experiment in their observation journals and recorded details about how this substance behaved. Students were then asked to draw a conclusion on the state(s) of matter that Oobleck showcased and justify their thinking with reference to physical properties and their own observations. It was a wonderful (albeit slightly messy) dive into the states of matter. Well done to all of our learners!