Grade 8 Culminating Project in Health Class

This entry was posted in Oakville Elementary News, Rotherglen News.
The Grade 8 students completed a culminating project in Health. Classes planned and executed a three-course meal. The meal was to emphasize healthy eating and be mindful of Canada’s revised food guide. Students broke into small groups where they were assigned to create an appetizer, a main meal, or a dessert. Students then selected recipes to follow. Once a plan was approved, students got to work in our school’s fully equipped kitchen. They sliced, diced, sautéed, and baked their way through to an impressive feast.
On the menu was vegetable noodle soup, diced mango and tomato salad, toasted avocado baguettes, honey peppered chicken stir-fry and rice, cupcakes, and cookies. When the three courses were ready to be served, students set tables and dined together to enjoy their delicious culinary creations. Throughout this fun experience, students promoted healthy eating and gained valuable life skills in a memorable and meaningful way.

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