Grade 8 Tie Ceremony
On Tuesday, October 17, Grade 8 students received their Leadership Ties during a special ceremony planned just for them. The Tie Ceremony is a tradition at Rotherglen. This ceremony is held to symbolize the seniority and leadership roles of the Grade 8 students.
The tie ceremony was created to instil a sense of pride and to serve as a reminder of how far our Grade 8 students have come. The tie symbolizes a journey from their years in junior grades to Grade 8, and it also distinguishes them from the rest of the students at the school. They are different from all other students at the school because their journey throughout the final year at Rotherglen is indeed unique. The months ahead will be spent preparing for high school, getting them ready for the challenges young people face in the world today, and teaching and showing them the powerful outcomes that can result when they pull together as a team, build community, and serve and support others as best they can.
The tie is a symbol of service, the tie represents responsibility to others, and most importantly it is a reminder to conduct oneself with integrity; to be accountable. Expectation is built into the fabric of each tie. Grade 8 students have been tasked with many important jobs this year. So far, they have met and even exceeded many expectations. They are in fact, a very impressive bunch of students, and the possibilities of the year ahead are truly endless.
The Grade 8 Team of teachers and the school’s administration warmly welcomes the Grade 8 students to their final year at the school and to the Grade 8 Leadership program. This ceremony and this new addition to their school uniform marks a day of importance, and we look forward to watching these young leaders grow, learn, and prepare for the future.