News from Casa Room 1

This entry was posted in Oakville Primary News.
During the month of November, Room 1 explored how to be healthy. We started a friendly competition called The Healthy Eating Challenge! We talked about what types of healthy food are good to pack for school each day, and some of the children were motivated to help pack their own lunches. The children enjoyed noticing and counting what healthy foods they had each day. We made a special chart that has each child’s name on it and a place for them to record the number of healthy foods they brought. A little “healthy” competition was just what we needed to embrace our Healthy Bodies theme! 
During the month of November we also introduced a “Kindness Kernel Jar” into our classroom. For each act of kindness the students witnessed, they added a kernel to the jar. We had a “King” or “Queen of Kindness” each day when we noticed someone being exceptionally caring toward others. By the end of the month, the students were even choosing the kings and queens on their own! 
We can’t wait to see what the upcoming holiday season brings, and we are especially excited about the Holiday Concert. The children are eager to take the stage and show you what they’ve been working on!

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