In April, Room 4 was busy learning about the beautiful country Thailand. We became experts about Thailand’s geography, culture, and food! Our International Day Luncheon was a wonderful sampling of exquisite Thai cuisine, and International Day was a grand success! The children were proud to share their hard work and knowledge about this amazing south east Asian country.
We are now settling back into our regular routine after a bustling month. We welcome the month of May along with warm weather, which is hopefully here to stay! This month we will be learning about ‘Dinosaurs’ and will complete crafts and projects related to this theme. The children can bring in their favourite book about dinosaurs to read at Circle Time. Our Character Education topic of discussion in class will be ‘Perseverance.’ We will encourage the children to demonstrate their understanding of this concept when learning new vocabulary, trying to understand a new math concept, or practicing the lengthier activities within the Curriculum.