In the month of January, Room Four students were busy learning how to take care of pets. We learned how to care for bunnies, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and fish. We agreed that having a pet is a big responsibility! The children completed projects about what these animals need to thrive and how to be good, caring friends to them. They each made a colourful, fun patterned fish, and some children brought in photos of their pets for Show and Tell.
We enjoyed our author visit from Tina Powell, and we watched in delight as she made a ravioli and pickle sandwich! Our Snuggle Up and Read book exchange was a great experience and the children enthusiastically chose a book of their choice to take home.
In the month of February, we will be discussing Friends and Feelings. We will learn how to develop and maintain positive friendships, along with remembering how to practice the Golden Rule, of “treating others the way we want to be treated”. This ties in very nicely with our Character Education theme, “friendships”.