The children in Room 6 have been working hard to learn the different skills and concepts taught daily. They are beginning to apply the valuable lessons learned from our Tribes and Character Education discussions in their daily interactions.
Room 6 is looking forward to participating in theTerry Fox Activity Day. This fundraiser has allowed us to learn about the values of perseverance, compassion, and kindness. We have begun to collect items for the Thanksgiving Food Drive and we are looking forward to our annual Harvest Lunch next Thursday!
October will be a month full of learning and exploring! We will introduce a Pumpkin Harvest theme and explore the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin. We will also be creating short stories, crafts, and art related to this theme. The children are welcome to bring theme-related information they collect or make, such as books or a craft, to share with their friends.
To wrap up the month, we will be having a Halloween Party and dress down day and the children are always excited to wear festive black or orange outfits!