News from Casa – Room 7

This entry was posted in Oakville Primary News.
We had an exciting month of February, as we were able to resume in class learning! This month we discussed Community Helpers, and how they are essential to keep our communities safe and healthy. The children enthusiastically discussed their personal experiences of seeing Police Officers, Doctors and Vets in action! We completed a short project and worksheets related to this topic and the children used their cutting and pasting skills to create Community Helper puppets. The children learned many new academic concepts and developed their independence and self confidence as they became proficient with the Montessori activities. For our Character Education studies, we focused on kindness and empathy. We discussed how important it is to be kind to everyone around us and to always remember to treat others the way we want to be treated! The children created wall decorations to help them to remember how we can incorporate being kind in our daily lives. For the month of March, our theme will focus on the Human Body. We will cover different aspects, such as the names of the parts of our body, the functions of the different organs, and how to take care of our bodies so we can stay strong and healthy.

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