News from Grade One – Room 5
The Grade One’s had a busy start to the new term! During the month of January the Grade One students continued to work hard in the areas of language, math, art and culture. During our Learn@Home program, we had a virtual visit to the Royal Botanical Gardens. We learned about the different animals that inhabit the woodland areas around our homes, and how to identify them based on their tracks. We also completed artwork inspired by Edgar Degas and explored the concept of perspective drawing in a workshop hosted by the Art Gallery of Ontario!
Once we returned to the classroom, Grade One students enjoyed exploring new concepts through group lessons, such as Numbers to One Million and Animal Classes. We also continued to work on new math concepts such as Multiplication and Canadian Money, and completed Short Stories in Language. In December, students began a series of Five Great Lessons that visually tell the story of how our universe was formed. We completed the second lesson,‘The Sun’, during January and students enjoyed identifying the characteristics of the Sun in contrast to the Earth and Moon.
We ended the month by celebrating Lunar New Year together! Students shared their New Year traditions and carefully painted and decorated lucky red envelopes to take home. We read several books that explored the meaning of Lunar New Year.
In February, we will continue our Great Lesson series, exploring what makes up the universe and how the planets were formed. We will also be diving deeper into our Botany cabinet and completing the Root Experiment. The Grade One’s can also look forward to exploring Black History month and learning about the contributions and lives of famous black Canadians.