News From Room 1
During the month of November, Room 1 learned all about The Human Body! We learned about the Skeletal System and the Organs within the body. We introduced new theme-related activities in the classroom, including a Human Body puzzle, where the children built and labeled the parts of the body. The children were introduced to the Montessori “Care of Self” activities that connected will with our theme, such as Washing Hands and Nails, and Brushing Teeth.
We talked about how to keep our bodies healthy by eating nutritious foods from all of the food groups and exercising regularly. The children also completed projects on the Human Body, as well as crafts such as, x-ray hands, miniature human bodies, and a real life working model of inflatable human lungs!
In November, we observed Remembrance Day by making poppies, sending postcards to the Veterans and we also learned a song called “ See the Veterans” during Circle Time. We also enjoyed a presentation from Hands On Exotics! We saw a variety of animals such as, an Amazon Parrot, Sugar Glider, Angora Rabbit, Lion Head Bunny and we also got to pet a Ball Python!
Our theme in Character Education was Empathy, and we discussed what empathy is and the many different ways to show this virtue to others. We also had many discussions during Anti-Bullying week surrounding kindness and how to be a good friend to others. We are always so proud to see the children in Room 1 using the Friendship Bench on the playground, and our Peace Rose to help them solve problems in the classroom independently. We incorporated a fun kindness initiative this month called Kindness Kernels. Whenever someone does a good deed or uses kind words they put a popcorn kernel in the jar. When it’s full we will have a classroom popcorn party to celebrate all of the kindness happening in our classroom.
We are looking forward to December and all of the fun that it will bring! The children have been working hard learning new songs and poems for our upcoming Holiday Concert at the Oakville Elementary Campus on Thursday December 8th. During the month of December, we will be learning all about the Holidays Around the World, and making special keepsake presents for all of the Room 1 families.