News From the Office
We were delighted to welcome our staff and students back this week from March Break refreshed and ready to learn!
Our students are currently working hard on their annual Country Study theme. Each class has chosen a specific country and is learning about the geography, animals, landmarks, and culture of these unique and fascinating locales. Our Country Study theme will culminate with a special showcase for parents the week of April 11th to 14th. Please see the County Study article below for further details.
The outstanding Book Fair items arrived this week and were handed out to students to take home. We hope all students are enjoying their new books. We are excited to announce the winner of our Book Fair Door Prize – Leo N. from Room 3! Leo will be presented with $25.00 worth of books for himself, and the Room 3 teachers will also receive a gift of books for their class totalling $25.00. Thank you again to all who supported our Book Fair by volunteering and through the purchasing of books. We are looking forward to stocking our class libraries with new titles using the credits we earned!
With the arrival of spring, our Gardening and Earth Week Committees are hard at work preparing lesson plans and planting activities for all students to participate in during the month of April. Spring will also bring school visits from Mystic Drumz and The Oakville Milton Humane Society.