REACH Character Education
The REACH (Rotherglen Educating in Advocacy, Character, and Hope) Character Education Committee was inspired by the beautiful “We Are” art installation created by Rotherglen students. For the project, students were tasked by our Visual Arts teacher, Ms. Irwin, to select one word they felt was the best representation of themselves. The final product was a diverse collage of who we are at Rotherglen. The REACH Character Education Committee was curious to investigate further, and to find out more about how Rotherglen students feel about what makes them an integral part of our community.
We interviewed students from all grade levels to find out more about the characteristics they possess which make them unique, and define them as Rotherglen students.
“I am caring, energetic, and I like to make jokes and make people laugh. I like to see everyone getting along and overall I like having a good time.”
“I believe that I am ambitious, cooperative, and empathetic. I believe creativity makes everyone a special individual, and a mixture of hard work and kindness makes you a Rotherglen student.”