Rotherglen MUN Delegates attend KCC Conference

This entry was posted in Oakville Elementary News, Rotherglen News.
MUN, or Model United Nations, is a student run club that focuses on awareness, research, debate, and resolutions of the world’s most current and pressing issues. MUN students, or “delegates”, learn the complexity of the world and of the UN. MUN helps equip delegates for the future, exposing them to global issues and realities, thereby becoming more internationally minded. MUN uses debate procedures similar to those of the United Nations. When delegates attend conferences, they join a committee as a delegate of a specific country and come prepared with detailed research to debate that nation’s point of view on a given topic. Delegates then debate the issues in order to create and pass resolutions on which the majority agrees.
On Saturday, February 24, students from our Upper School attended a MUN conference hosted by King’s Christian Collegiate (KCC). The students engaged in lively debates with 200 other students from across Ontario. Rotherglen students certainly enjoyed their time at the conference and many garnered special mention for their excellent preparation and effort while debating.
Congratulations are extended to all MUN delegates for a successful conference.

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