What’s Happening in Grade 2!
The students in Grade Two were excited and happy to work on their Cereal box project. They started by planning and creating an outline for their project. They named their cereal, they thought about their target audience, the ingredients they would include in their product, and what would attract their target audience. Some of them added a slogan, a cartoon character, or a collectible to their product. A lot of planning and thinking went into it. It was a delight to see the ideas they came up with. Working with Media literacy, they explored examples of marketing strategies and decided where they would advertise their Cereal and why?? They made their cereal box attractive by adding bright colours and bubble letters to their designs. It was fascinating to see their ideas take shape and their vision come to life! Once they completed their cereal boxes. They proudly presented their cereal boxes to the class trying to persuade them to buy their cereal. Great work Grade two!!
We also started Reader’s theatre. The students started reading the play “The Very Cranky Bear” and “The Three Billy Goats Gruff “. They chose their character and are very busy practicing their lines. It was very encouraging to see them using their voice to get into character and supporting each other during their practice readings. They are looking forward to making their props for the play and presenting it to another class.
In History, they completed their ancient civilization project and were happy to present their project to the class. In Math, they worked on fractions and comparing fractions. They also practiced building angles and naming the different types of angles.