News from Room 1
During the month of November, Room 1 learned all about The Five Senses! The children learned the functions of the five senses and worked on various related activities. At lunchtime, children had the chance to record what their meal tasted like: sweet, savoury, salty or spicy. The children learned many new Sensorial activities, such as the Smelling Bottles, Touch Tablets, and Sound Boxes. We played games such as the Silence Game and Telephone, which really put their sense of hearing to the test!
We observed Remembrance Day by making popsicle stick poppies, sending postcards to the Veterans, and we also learned a song called “See the Veterans” during Circle Time.
Our theme in Character Education was Teamwork, and we discussed what teamwork is and the many different ways to show this virtue to others. We also had many discussions during Bullying Awareness and Prevention week surrounding kindness and how to be a good friend to others. This month, we began a new kindness initiative in our classroom as well. The children learned about their invisible “buckets” and how we can fill or drip from them. This is based on the children’s book “How Full is your bucket? for Kids” by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. We are working on being a “bucket-filling class”, and we are aiming to fill our days together with kindness! We have created a large paper bucket on our wall, and each time we see an act of kindness or a bucket-filling deed, we put a drop in our bucket. The bucket is filling up in Room 1!
We enjoyed a special in-school presentation during November by an animal expert from Little Ray’s Nature Centre. Our students met a variety of “Little Creatures” and learned about their habitats, diet, and what makes each animal unique. The children enjoyed seeing these creatures up close and getting an opportunity to pet them!
We are looking forward to December and all of the fun that it will bring! The children have been working hard to learn new songs and poems for our upcoming Holiday Concert at the Oakville Elementary Campus on Friday December 8th. We look forward to seeing you all there!