News from Room 7!

This entry was posted in Oakville Primary News.

During the month of February, Room 7 blasted off to space as we explored the Solar System! We launched into all things outer space and learned about the planets, the sun, the stars, comets, meteoroids, and the different phases of the moon. We made our very own Space play dough, to which the children added beads and glitter representing the planets and stars. They learned the order of the planets and the characteristics of each planet. They became astronauts and hung from the Space bulletin board. The children also used their artistic skills to make their very own rocket ship. We discussed gravity and how there is very little gravity in space. We watched some neat videos on how astronauts become astronauts, and what do they do when they’re in space. We had lots of fun learning about Chris Hadfield, Canada’s first astronaut to enter space. Many of the children want to be an astronaut when they grow up! Space was an out of this world theme!

Our theme in Character Education was Respect. We discussed that respect means that you accept somebody for who they are, and you care enough to consider how your words and actions will make them feel. To coincide with our Character Education theme on Respect, the children have been “sprinkling” our classroom with acts of kindness. We are working on sprinkling our wall with as much confetti, by filling our days together with kindness! The children are learning that once we allow kindness into our lives, it will spread just like confetti. Each time an act of kindness is seen, we add a piece of confetti to our Kindness Wall, which is quickly filling up in Room 7!

Valentine’s Day was celebrated with enthusiasm as the children came to school dressed in white, pink, and red. They enjoyed their special heart-shaped sprinkled cookies. The children also decorated bags to carry their Valentine’s cards and made a special Valentine for their parents.

The children especially look forward to our mindfulness breathing exercises, and they began to use our mindfulness basket to enjoy some quiet moments in order to calm themselves and improve focus and concentration.

We are looking forward to March and all of the fun that it will bring! For our next theme, we will be travelling to Italy! We look forward to studying the language, culture, sports, places to visit, and crafts of this beautiful country.

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